About this website

Welcome to my personal and professional website! I use this site for three things: First off, it’s a place to communicate what I do and what I work on. This is a somewhat professional environment, not my diary. However, I try to keep it personal. This website is meant to be read and viewed by humans, not machines.

Another goal with this website is to experiment and learn things. I am a designer, not a developer, but I like to try stuff and build it myself, rather than use an out-of-the-box solution (which would have been perfectly fine and sufficient, too).

And finally, this page exists as I like to keep an independent archive of things—like my drawings, my writing and design projects. This place is a start.


This website is built with eleventy, a static site generator. Thanks to Robin Rendle and others for publishing their websites on GitHub so I can peek into their code base. Accessbility-wise, I try to maintain AA color contrast levels for text, use image descriptions and keep a semantic site structure. This website is far from perfect, but aren’t we all, and I’m working on it.

The site currently lacks a dark mode, which I didn’t get around implementing by now. The biggest problem at the moment are responsive images, which are non-existant—I’m sorry for that.

Typefaces: Faktum by René Bieder and GT Alpina by Grilli Type. Portrait picture: Norman Posselt. The headline on the writing page is from Sam Phillip’s song If I Could Write.

RSS Feeds

Currently, the site offers only one RSS feed for posts (blog posts aswell as the english newsletter). You can get it here:

I also write a German blog (Christowski Blog) which is more personal and usually disconneced from my work stuff. You can visit it here, and subscribe to the RSS feed (it’s a separate one!).