This is it! This is everything!
Making websites is time-consuming. Until I get around doing all the things I want to do this little internet’s space, here’s a long list of texts, newsletters, essays, projects, and more. Lists forever!
Blog like its 2005. All posts:
More than a note: My essays
My newsletter archive (since 2016!)
All projects
- Sovereign Tech Fund
- Zeit Online Design
- 66 Gebote
- Berlinale Talents 2021
- Zeit Online: Digital Anxieties
- DOK Leipzig – Tone of Voice
- Third Wave Berlin – Agency Branding
- Village One Cooperative
- Warum heißt es Traum und nicht Memoryschaum?
- WDR future report: Synthetic Media
- Why How What – Company Report
- Zeit Online – Wochenmarkt
- Disentchanting Invisible Machines
- Die Verkrempelung der Welt
Literally everything:
- Thermal underwear, 100 essays and Berlin drawings
- Muscle Memory, Snapchat, and Roger
- Technological relations, the world’s oldest social housing complex, and faux marble
- Palaces, a trip to Milan, and one decade
- Designers, Friends, and Amateurs
- Wrong Turns, Echo Chambers, and Appearances
- Pocket Monsters, mundane practices, and Microsoft Excel
- Lists, Memorials, and Relationship Luxury
- Sketchbooks, Cobble Stones, and Solitude
- Golden Clouds, Learning, and Minority Report
- The Library, Digression, and Items from the Future
- Easiness, Celebrities, and Another Round
- If We Can Land On The Moon, Surely I Can Win Your Heart
- One With The Freaks
- Stay Golden
- Shape-Changing Computers
- You Think You Might Not Get Through It But You Do
- Design Won’t Save the World
- I’ve Never Liked Anything In My Entire Life
- We Are Our Own Devils
- “Forget Being a Genius and Develop Some Skills”
- Think Lightly of Yourself, And Deeply of the World
- Using an iBook G3 as a typewriter
- Take Yourself With You
- Isn’t It Ironic?!
- Flying Low & Passing Through
- If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going
- All I Need is One Night to See if it’s Right
- Palindrome Days
- Unfurl Like Smoke, We Twist And We Curl
- Cat Person
- Learning to Love You More
- A Summer Wasting
- The Last Screensaver
- H is for Hawk
- I Don’t Know Anything, I’m Just a Rock in the Sky
- We’ll be Alright When I Rub My Eyes
- Where You Find Me
- The Sound of 7 o’Clock
- At the Bottom of Everything
- I Am at War with My Time
- I Need a Camera to My Eye
- It Takes A Village
- Books from Boxes
- Dogs, Beans, and Red Badges
- Manifestations of Romance
- You Are Here
- My first Mac
- The Muse visits during the act of creation
- The Long Hard Stupid Way
- Drawings
- Subscribe to my newsletter!
- If I could write
- On digital nostalgia
- Writing = Design
- Everything
- Imprint
- My design work
- Design
- Sovereign Tech Fund
- Zeit Online Design
- 66 Gebote
- Berlinale Talents 2021
- Zeit Online: Digital Anxieties
- DOK Leipzig – Tone of Voice
- Third Wave Berlin – Agency Branding
- Village One Cooperative
- Warum heißt es Traum und nicht Memoryschaum?
- WDR future report: Synthetic Media
- Why How What – Company Report
- Zeit Online – Wochenmarkt
- Disentchanting Invisible Machines
- Christoph Rauscher
- Links
- No more art on Instagram
- Something That Needs Nothing
- About this website
- Die Verkrempelung der Welt
- The straight line is godless
- Greetings from the shore